Motor Oil, Gasoline & Filters Disposal

Used motor oil and oil filters generated through household use are accepted free for disposal at the Environmental Center.

The used motor oil must be in dumpable containers no larger than five gallons in size.

Other items accepted include:

  • Crankcase oil
  • Gasoline
  • Diesel
  • Transmission fluid
  • Power steering fluid
  • Hydraulic fluid
  • Rear end grease

Contaminated oil or brake fluid must be taken to the Environmental Center.

Service stations and oil change businesses also accept oil and filters for proper disposal.

Minnesota Statutes §115A.916 prohibits the disposal of motor oil on land, in the sewer system, or with solid waste. Improper disposal of oil and other automotive lubricants can harm vegetation and pollute water supplies. The prohibition also includes brake fluid, power steering fluid and transmission fluid.


Nathan Reinbold
Environmental Programs Manager
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