Fix-it Clinics
Get assistance from Fix-It Clinic volunteers to repair broken items – while learning tinkering and repair skills.
Fix-It Clinics connect community volunteers who have a knack for tinkering, repairing and fixing with you and your item(s) to be fixed. All of this takes place in a safe comfortable environment. These connections help teach basic repair skills to hopefully fix your item to keep it out of the landfill and Waste to Energy Facility. Fixing over buying new helps keep money in your pocket!
What to bring
You must be able to carry items in. No items with an engine. No oversized items. No items needing a full zipper replacement – due to time constraints – but items with smaller zipper repairs are OK.
Fix-It Clinics have a variety of tools to utilize on-site. Feel free to bring any tools or supplies that you think will assist in fixing your items. Come prepared to assist in fixing your item.
The following are example items that are good to bring to an event:
- Blenders
- Waffle Makers
- Coffee Makers
- Vacuums
- Fans
- Flashlights/Lanterns
- Clothing and other textiles to mend, alter, fix buttons/zippers
- DVD/Blu Ray Player
- Radio
- Paper Shredder
- Remote Controls
- Sewing Machine
- Steam Mop
- Toys
- Lamp
- and more!
What to expect at Fix-It Clinics
Learn and grow: Get hands-on experience and learn valuable repair skills while working alongside our friendly volunteer fixers.
We’ll do our best: While we can’t promise every item will be fixed, we’re committed to giving it our best shot and helping you along the way! If there are parts needed that we don’t have, we will assist you in finding them. You can either purchase the parts and fix it yourself or bring them to a future event for repair.
Item disposal: If something can’t be repaired, we’ll help guide you on how to responsibly dispose of it. If parts, such as cords, can be salvaged to facilitate other repairs, we would gladly accept them for future use. Check out the Waste Warrior Disposal Guide.
Wait time: Depending on the clinic, wait times will vary.
Sewing repairs: Need a quick fix? Our talented sewists can help with basic mending, hemming, and even fixing zippers.
Other repair options: While we focus on minor fixes, we’ll help find other repair solutions if needed!
Volunteer at Fix-It Clinics
Fix-it Clinics are made possible through volunteers. If you have a skill or a love of tinkering or fixing items, contact Pope/Douglas for more information.
Interested in helping or know a youth who’d like to get involved? Fill out this volunteer interest form (Google Forms) or call 320-763-9340 for more details. Youth under 18 may need to be accompanied by an adult.
Donate supplies & tools for Fix-It Clinics
Donate items you no longer need to help others repair and reuse their stuff. Items accepted for drop off to assist with Fix-It Clinics.
Scheduled Fix-It Clinics
Wednesday, May 14th from 4-7 at the Environmental Center. Enter through the lobby doors on the south side of building.
Program support & funding
Funding for this program is made possible through a Statewide Waste Reduction and Reuse grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, in partnership with Reuse Minnesota.