Gas Station Recycling

Pope/Douglas Solid Waste, in partnership with area gas station/convenience stores and haulers, are developing opportunities to recycle your cans/bottles at the pump.

Take a peek in the gas pump garbage receptacles. You will find lots and LOTS of cans and bottles. Luckily, there is a greener path to take.

Pope/Douglas has resources available to set up recycling.

Setting up Gas Station Recycling is EASY! Green Warriors to the Rescue!

Grant Program for Gas Station Recycling

Mini grants are available to assist gas stations set up new or improve existing recycling programs through the purchase of bins/receptacles, signs/stickers and loading dock/recycling & trash fenced area modifications.

Contact Pope/Douglas for more information.

Recycling service (Single Sort Recycling and Cardboard Recycling) must be set up with your regular hauler.


Nathan Reinbold
Environmental Programs Manager
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