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Brandon/Evansville/Garfield Community Cleanup

When & Where

May 18, 2024 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Evansville Bus Garage
Railroad Street
Evansville, 56236 United States


Household Hazardous Waste Products ACCEPTED:
*Paints *Automotive Chemicals *Adhesives
*Cleaners *Sealers *Aerosols *Garden Chemicals
*Solvents *Roofing Tar *Pool & Hobby Chemicals
*Fuels *Mercury *Fluorescent *Bulbs (20 per household) *Rechargeable Batteries and More!
Products NOT Accepted:
*Explosives *Business Waste *Medical Waste
*Motor oil/filters

Scrap Metal items/wire/cords are Accepted for Free and the proceeds go to the Lions’ Club.

Permitted Items: (Per item fee)
Freon Items: $10.00
Non-Freon: $5.00
No Screens (Printers, tower, Laptop) $3.00
Screens (7”-27”) $10.00
Screens (28” +) $20.00
Projection/Console $25.00
Mattress/Box Spring (per item) $10.00
Recliner (Chair) $10.00
Sofa/Couch (per item) $15.00
With the help of an abatement grant through Pope/Douglas Solid Waste Management we are able to offer reduced price disposal.
Computers/screens, furniture, appliances, metal disposal will be offered to Brandon, Evansville, Garfield City Residents at a reduced cost. The reduced cost to the residents is above.


********PERMIT REQUIRED***********
A permit is required for disposal. Permits must be obtained from your local government office:
Permits are available at:
Evansville City Office Brandon City Office Garfield City Office
April 25- May 17 April 25- May 16 April 25 – May 16
8:00 – 3:00 8:30-4:30 8:00- 3:00
Evansville: 320-834-4995
Please Contact City Hall if you have any questions: Brandon: 320-524-2260
Garfield: 320-834-2238